Did you know that Black Bream complete their whole life cycle in the estuary in which they are born? Their home is their home forever, therefore it is so important that we make sure they have a sustainable habitat in the Peel Harvey Estuary.

This National Science Week, Peel Bright Minds (PBM) is taking a look at local innovation: the Black Bream Project. They are going under-the-hood on how the project is enhancing the stocks of black bream in our local waterways, aiming to protect the fish from threats in their early life stages through an aquaculture program being undertaken by Peel Harvey Catchment Council, Murdoch University and John Tonkin College.
The Black Bream project involves enhancing fish stocks, engagement with local high schools, the local NRM group and universities. The event for NatSciWeek will be the development and screening of a mini documentary of the project. The doco will be then made available across social media and shared among networks.
Get your free ticket at: events.humanitix.com/black-bream-project
For more information, head to http://www.peelbrightminds.com.au/events/view/peel-bright-minds-presents-black-bream-project
We thank Peel Bright Minds for contributing this information. We acknowledge that the content has not been altered from the original intent of the author.