Join joint venture International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR) and Claire Bowen Management online, on Friday 21 August on Noongar Boodjar, as they announce the winners of the inaugural ICRAR Monologue Competition.

Writers from around Western Australia created monologues about the problems that science raises and solves. Performers brought creative solutions to life in a web series for the wider Australian audience to enjoy.
These videos are not short films or a full theatre performance, rather, they are rehearsed readings of the Monologue by actors and writers, so you will see a script in hand and hear the rawness of the storytelling.
ICRAR hope you enjoy the talent of the writers of Western Australia, the personal stories of international researchers, and the wonders of the galaxy as seen by engineers and scientists of ICRAR, some of whom use telescopes at the Murchison Radio-astronomy Observatory (MRO) on traditional Wajarri Yamaji land.
Join in on Friday 21 August on the ICRAR Social Media channels to watch the readings of the inaugural Winners of the National Science Week ICRAR Monologue Competition:
Friday we announce the winner of the Most Innovative Monologue category and ask you to contemplate the ways that we communicate across multiple languages
Saturday morning we share the monologue Most Commended by the Judging Panel and invite you into the worlds written in the sky for millennia on this continent
Saturday afternoon we will present a look at the Best Monologue based on ICRAR Research and ask the important questions about things that matter
Sunday morning we will meet more of the people of ICRAR in the Best Monologue based on an ICRAR Researcher, and contemplate the nature of home and family
Sunday afternoon we celebrate the Best Emerging Writer with a monologue right from the heart of the telescopes in the Murchison
And the story doesn’t end there! From Monday 24 August you can also watch the videos of the Runner-ups in three categories, so follow the ICRAR social media channels to see each video.
We thank Claire Bowen Management for contributing this information. We acknowledge that the content has not been altered from the original intent of the author.