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Under the Milky Way at Wave Rock

Date: 14 August 2021 Location: Wave Rock, Hyden

Have you experienced the mastery of Wave Rock, one of Australia’s most recognisable rock structures? Have you experienced it while surrounded by the dazzling Milky Way Highway?

Hyden is a town that not only boasts the iconic, surf-shaped rock, but its regional location allows for perfect dark night skies and magical astronomy. The Shire of Kondinin will place these two effects together in their National Science Week celebrations this year, enabling participants to experience our galaxy, indigenous culture and the Dream Time, and how stargazing can bring people together.

Under the Milky Way at Wave Rock will present the community with astronomical astrophotography from WA talent, literally immersed in and amongst the Wave Rock landscape. The event will particularly celebrate and showcase results from Hyden’s 2019 National Science Week celebration, “Capturing the heart of our Milky Way galaxy directly overhead”, which recorded a full dome of 360 degree images of our galaxy.

Proudly presented by the Shire of Kondinin.

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