Edith Cowan University Scientists invite you to join their interactive science demonstrations and experiments, broadcasting live from their Science SuperLabs on Friday 3 November.
We will be creating FREE science ‘kits’ including fun experiments, which we will send to your home so that you can join in the fun alongside our scientists. This event is suitable for children aged between 6-12 years and who live in Regional WA.
During the live and interactive science activities you will get the opportunity to:
Find out what is in baby nappies
Investigate the properties of polymers
Make you own pH indicator and measure the pH of common substances that you have at home
Discover how good your sense of smell is
Understand how water beads work
Plus perform other interesting experiments
When: Wednesday 3 November 2021 – 5.00-6.30pm
Where: Online via Zoom (we will send you the link nearer the time of the live event)
For more information and to Register for your free science kit and your place at the party, please follow this link https://www.ecu.edu.au/schools/science/news-and-events/school-of-science/2021/08/dr-magdas-and-nerdy-nards-chemistry-zoom-party-regional-wa.
Registrations will close on Friday 1 October, 6pm. We advise booking soon as we have limited kits and places will fill up fast!
Any questions? Email Michelle at m.austin@ecu.edu.au
We thank Edith Cowan University (ECU) for contributing this information. We acknowledge that the content has not been altered from the original intent of the author.